Acronis windows server 2019
Acronis windows server 2019

acronis windows server 2019

Once the Acronis backup agent is installed on the device, the next step is to set up a backup plan. Install button’s location if you do not need to customize the installation and proxy settingsġ6) You will receive a confirmation message that the installation was successfully completed Install button’s location after configuring installation settings Note: If you do not need to customize the installation and proxy settings, you can skip to Step 14.ġ0) Enter your Acronis Management Console’s username (‘Login’) and password.ġ1) Click ‘Show proxy settings’ to expand the dialogue box and enter ‘Name/IP’ and ‘Port’ Downloading the Required Acronis Backup Agent from the Acronis Management Consoleġ) Log in to the Acronis Management ConsoleĢ) On the Acronis Management Console’s landing page, click the Add button located on the top right side of the Acronis Management Consoleģ) Select the Windows Acronis Agent from the ‘Add devices’ slide out panelĤ) A browser window opens and the Acronis Backup Agent for Windows immediately begins downloadingĦ) Confirm that you want to run the file by clicking on the Run buttonĢ) Select a language from the list and finallyĩ) (optional) If you need to customize the installation and proxy settings click on Customize installation settings In this article, Acronis Backup Agent for a Windows workstation is used as an example for capturing the steps for downloading and installing the Acronis backup agent.

acronis windows server 2019

Note: Users MUST use the credentials created during activation to download and install their Acronis Agent from the Acronis Management Console. REMINDER! The User installing Acronis Microsoft Exchange Server Backup Agent and managing its backups MUST have Administrative rights on the Microsoft Office 365 account.Ĭustomers can download and install the required Acronis Agent from the Customer Control Panel, however it is very strongly recommended that you login in to the Acronis Management Console and download the required Acronis Agent from there. Modified on: Wed, 13 Jan, 2021 at 1:03 AMīefore you begin, it is recommended that you ensure your device meets the minimum system requirements for the required Acronis Backup Agent. Solution home Backup and Disaster Recovery Acronis 10 How to: Download and Install the Acronis Backup Agent

Acronis windows server 2019